Choose your program
Your Premium Plan
Enjoy direct, unlimited communication with your dietitian via WhatsApp.
Basic and Standard Plans
Stay connected easily through email for questions and feedback.
For all plans:
Monthly progress tracking to adjust your menus.
Before/after photo comparisons to visualize your results.

On the CarosNutrition site, your payment is 100% secure. All your data is protected.
The server is encrypted and the information conveyed is coded.
Transactions protected against malicious interception.
CarosNutrition has no knowledge of your credit card data.
We do not store your data.
Payment methods accepted:
Debit or credit card, Visa, MasterCard...
PayPal, Stripe,
Transfer by bank account, Lydia, Revolut...
You will find each payment button at the top of the page for the program you want, and an option to
a) subscribe with PayPal (automatic monthly payment) or
b) subscribe with Stripe (automatic monthly payment).
You can stop direct debits whenever you want... do it yourself or let me know when you want to stop. No worries about that!